Do the number of beds in the DSH service contract need to match the number of beds for the infrastructure funds? For example, if a county has a service contract for 5 beds, could they get infrastructure funding for 20 beds?

The number of beds in the DSH Service Contract does not have to match the number of beds applied for under the IST Infrastructure Grant. DSH assumes that participants in a Diversion or CBR program will have an average length of stay of 18 months, so, to have enough beds to meet their admission targets counties will need more beds than the number of annual admissions in their service contract. In addition, DSH will also allow counties to serve non-DSH funded clients in these beds but may limit the number of beds that are used in this way at any given time. DSH’s policy on using these beds for a mixed population is under development and will be released to counties as soon as it is finalized.